Plague Control Department

Mycopsychosys spore propagation Phenomenon
What to know

Mycopsychosys spore propagation, also known as sporestorm is a newly occurring climatic phenomenon. The mycopsychosys spores are light enough to be airborne and so they can be carried by clouds and the wind. Here's what you need to know to survive a sporestorm:

Spores are approximately 4 microns. Their small size makes filtering them very difficult, a normal mask won't be enough to ensure the user's safety so we recommend the usage of an FP3 mask or any other with smaller filtration parameters. During a sporestorm citizens should not exit their homes under any circumstances without wearing the proper filtration device, one spore is enough to infect a host. Regular dust filters won't work.

Spores are NOT water soluble, so rain won't reduce the danger level of a sporestorm. The confinement alarm/notification will start when the detected content of spores in the air is greater than 0.000000001% and will only be lifted once it goes down that threshold.

The water system is safe from the danger. As we mentioned, spores are not water soluble so they can't contaminate water or other drinkable fluids.

How to deffend youself

Citizens should avoid confronting anything related to spores until the sporestorm has passed, however, if it's unavoidable, the citizens need to know that:

  • Contact with an infected individual results in the spread of the infection 99% of the time. Only a contact of 30 seconds is enough for a spore to travel from the infected host to the victim.

  • An infected individual is capable of spreading the disease from the moment they start showing symptoms.

  • Only heat greater than 100°C is capable of killing a spore, alternatively alcohol or any other disinfectant can also inhibit the infectious capability of the particle.

Other usefull information

It is important to note that in case of an emergency call is made, the emergency services won't be able to dispatch to your location until the sporestorm has passed due to the danger's of exiting an enclosed facility. In case you need assistance please:

  • Stay calm.

  • Secure yourself.

  • Wait for the sporestorm to end before calling the emergency services.